Let's have a Conversation about what you want from the web.

Roy Ronalds Programming
Web & Technology Consultant

This is what I do

Frontend Interaction
Server Administration

In a sentence, I code high quality and high availability webapps from serverless infrastructure to database to visuals and beyond.

I have build complex web applications since 2003. In recent years I have worked with organizations like Epic Games and Chargebacks911 (a credit card fraud company). I have worked individually and with teams on a variety of other projects, including web applications in React.js, Infrastructure on AWS Cloudformation using the CDK, lambda microservices and many more engineering technologies, modernizing team's full stack for organizations, most recently Epic Games, Reaktor, Chargebacks911, Ellucian, Sherman Brothers Shoes, and of course the simple static site you are reading. I starting out working on the browser based ninja game NinjaWars.net and continue working on it as my hobby work. There I use javascript, aws, and originally mysql then postgresql then serverless, semantic html5, a templating system, aws serverless lambdas and dynamodb, and making a long list of other improvements over the years.

I specialize in technology web app and engineered systems design, including front to back web programming, creating web app microservices from the ground-up, or recreating them where they already exist but need some love. Two of my focuses in this arena are: Security & Speed.

Security is foundational. Speed is critical.

Security is foundational.

I have seen too many systems burned by bad coding practices and with their client or inventory data at risk as a result. I have done my share of security cleanup work on apps that were coded by programmers without any security practices in place, which resulted in compromised user data and an app that -looked- fine but had security flaws. Generally one of the early reviews that I do with a web team is ask questions about it's account security approach, what systems are used to protect the people using the app. Expert level systems like Cognito, Auth0, and SuperTokens are secure ways to avoid writing complex things like custom cryptographic code.

Speed is critical.

To a large extent, speed is the first step to a good user experience, especially for users on phones or travellers. Similarly, a level of simplicity and leading design to what a person sees is important to naturally get them to the core content, whether that is selling products or words. And in this day & age, having the site be usable and simple for clarity on different mobile devices and browsers is important to reach a broader audience. Static precompiled frontends and precomputed data are the way I usually recommend acheiving that speed and usability goal.

Overall, I am a visionary architect, by which I mean I truly envision product features, systems, and solutions that don't exist yet by using intense communication and design. I mentor teams on approaches that get security, quality, automation and modern serverless practices in place by showing them how to release constantly and confidently. I turn the people who use your systems from customers to a community by showing the teams responsible for building the connection between accessibility and the quality that they already want to create but may need unlocked. If you want someone to help level up your team and your systems, let's talk.


Below are a variety of projects that I worked on in the past as well as currently ongoing projects.

Current Public Projects

  1. Coding, refactoring, & and leading other coders on work on the shermanbrothers.com website and ordering system and architecting it's infastructure

  2. Ongoing coding of the game logic of Ninjawars.net & support for a few thousand users a month for approximately 10 years.

  3. Creation of tershronalds.com as a serverless website using AWS cloudfront, and redesigning the previous implementation using a fresh starting responsive template.

  4. Work on various open source application projects on github

Past Projects

  1. React Design system work and front-end unification for the Ellucian design system and SaaS applications.

  2. Programming and infrastructure using angular as part of the Tattle software engineering team.

  3. Programming work on the ZD-CMS content management system and network of client sites.

  4. Design work on the zeedesigns website

  5. Backend programming work on the Sungard HE summit registration site

  6. Website security: Cross-Site-Scripting security audit & site hardening project for firm in the realty space

  7. Website security: Cross-Site-Scripting security audit & site hardening project for a academy's website and CMS system

  8. Other sites that I have coded/designed for: smartypaws.com, nevadadbe.com, labyrinthsociety.org, Virgin Valley Water District.

Roy Ronalds Rate Card

I specialize in secure web applications, built from the server up for speed and ease of use both for your clients and for you.

Initial Site Speed or Code System Analysis free

Project Initialization

Website Type Cost
Single Page Website/Application starting at $240
10 Page Website starting at $800
Dynamic CMS / Wordpress/ Infinite-Page Website starting at $1000
E-commerce/Commercial Products Website starting at $2000

Existing Website Improvements

Service Fee
Website Speed Optimization $50/hr
Website Error Fixes & Visual Fixes $40/hr
Custom Redesign of your Website $45/hr, $150 minimum
Website Visual redesign based on pre-existing theme $40/hr, $120 minimum
Initial Codebase and Database Backup $100
Company Email System Administration $25 per month
Social Networking Setup & Website Integration $25/hr
Security Analysis & Code Security Audit $40 per 1000 lines of code

Core Services

Service Fee
Website Hosting for simple static sites: $20 per month
A Fast, Dedicated host on Amazon Web Services™ about $100 per month
Wordpress Hosting basic: $40 per month
PHP Developer Junior $40/hr,
Mid $55/hr,
Senior $80/hr
Javascript Developer Junior $40/hr,
Mid $60/hr,
Senior $95/hr
Senior Engineer/System Architect $120/hr
Data Entry $15/hr
Site Monitoring and Automatic Alerts $10 per month

Emergency Services

After-Hour Emergency Security or Outage Response $150/hr

Strategy Services

  • Software Architecture, Business Strategic Consulting, Online Revenue Improvement Consulting, Advertising & Maximizing Ad Efficiency

Other Services

  • Google Adwords Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Development of Order Processing Webapps, Automation of your workflow
I list our hourly rates for different tasks here, but I am happy to negotiate on package prices for projects longer than two weeks. My minimum for any new-client project is $240. For new clients with short projects I generally request 50% down & 50% upon completion. For larger or longer projects just talk to me about arranging other payment schedules.